3rd Trimester

STMs - Hints on keeping energy up?

Hi Ladies -

I am just about into my 3rd trimester and I am having some serious issues keeping my energy up.  I have lost focus and it's just hard to stay on track.  Some background which I feel like may be contributing is the fact that DH right now is currently unable to help much at all as he is laid up after having ankle surgery 4 weeks ago.  I am currently working full time (Exec level job), have a 4 year old and am taking care of all household duties - laundry, trash, cleaning etc.  Also add in helping him, food, bathing, changing sheets, etc.  (Though it has lightened up substantially in the last couple of weeks)  Usually hubby and I split 50 / 50 and he takes care of most if not all the household duties.  Picking these up has started to really wear on me and 

I want to hire a housecleaner, but I am stalled a bit because I have to do the initial clean before they were to come in.  I have lowered my standards to the point where I can't actually take how low they are!  I didn't have high standards before, but all bets are off now. :)  

Where I do know I can control a lot more is what I eat (and I'd love to sleep more but that really isn't an option.

Any suggestions?  

THanks in advance, I really appreciate any and all suggestions!


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