
?? of possible fast letdown...

?I don't remember my first daughter doing this, but my memory isn't what it was 3 years ago either.

Baby girl #2 is 4 weeks old today and over the past couple days to a week, we have had an increase in spitting up. It does not bother her at all and we have more than adequate number of wet/poopy diapers. Sometime she will nurse 8-10 minutes, unlatch and immediately spit up what looks like the entire feeding - so fast we don't even have a chance to burp or re-position. Other times after a good nursing session, she will spit up 20 minutes later and then want to nurse again.

It doesn't happen after every feeding, but we are going through 3-4 outfits a day due to spit up (I know laundry is a separate issue, but doing cloth diapers daily I can easily track the clothing amount). I had a very good supply with daughter 1 and while I'm not pumping to see volume, I am certainly full like clockwork every 2 hours. Thoughts?

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