3rd Trimester

what are you doing for last minute things for yourself?

whether it be stocking up on some wine for after baby is here, making a hair appt, getting a pedicure, making & freezing meals, deep cleaning your house...is there anything you plan on doing for yourself before baby comes?

I went to this "pregnancy hour" on friday night - it's basically a bunch of pregnant women who get together, all at various stages in their pregnancy and talk - it's kind of like a real life "the bump." one woman mentioned she was having a home birth, so she was getting things ready like having some red wine available, and getting her fav Belgium chocolates.

I plan on having my hair done, and a pedicure at around 35ish weeks and then taking a whole weekend to cook a bunch of meals with my H so we can freeze them.  

TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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