3rd Trimester

Due to BP and NST results induction date has been scheduled!

I have been struggling to keep my BPs down and am taking Labetelol.  It is working pretty well, and readings are still a bit high, but staying in an ok range.  I have been having NSTs twice/week for the past 3 weeks.  Last Thursday he was very very active during the NST, and he had 3 good drops in heart rate (as opposed to going up as it should) during activity.  We were sent down for a biophysical profile, which stubborn LO failed because he was in a deep sleep by then and we could not wake him to monitor his practice breathing.  I had another NST on Friday, which was borderline, but he was not incredibly active.  I have another this afternoon...so we'll see how it goes. 

Our induction date is Friday 02/15, right at my 38 week mark.  But, if we have any other questionable NSTs it could be earlier.  Huh? Hopefully not by much. 

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