
Anyone have a reformed picky eater?

If your LO was a picky eater, when did you start to notice that they started to eat more varieties of things? Was it a slow change over time? Did it happen at a particular age?  Did you do anything in particular to encourage them to eat other things?

DD is fine with any breakfast item, fruit, veggies, chicken nuggets, pasta, any beverage, and a few other odds and ends. Certain things she'll eat on occasion (like pizza).  Otherwise she wont eat anything that's a sandwich (not even grilled cheese), nothing "casserole", nothing wet looking... Most meats she wont touch.  We also can't do whole eggs and nut products (any) because of allergies.

I let her pick her breakfast, usually give 2 choices for lunch, and then she gets whatever dinner I offer her. If she doesn't eat it, then no snacks until she either eats it or it's time for the next meal.

As a sidenote, DD is 24 lbs and under the 3rd for weight, which is why I still have sort of lingering concern in the back of my mind...  I guess i'm asking mainly to see if change is in the air soon because it's an age thing, or if I have a long road ahead of me...

And because making more than 1 dinner each night is getting super old.

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