August 2013 Moms

Team Green..but feeling a bit blue about it

Anyone else not finding out the gender..but now feeling a little sad about it?

I'm not wavering, this is the decision I want, I want that excitement when I deliver to find out the gender and not a day sooner. But.. I can't help but feel like I'm a little less 'into' this process because I don't know, and won't know, what it is.

 For example.. I was in Old Navy the other day looking at the maternity clothing and popped over to the baby section to look at the little newborn outfits. Anything 'neutral' was just so..ugly. Blah, boring, not cutesy at all. There are so many adorable things for boys and girls.. but the neutral stuff is so blah.

I then decided to go on a hunt for something neutral that was cute, I've since been to a million stores online and in person and can finding nothing cute that I like!!! It's really depressing me. I want my newborn baby to look adorable when I bring him/her home, but I can't find any clothing that is even remotely cute!!

 I know the neutral stuff it won't wear long, and as soon as we have it I know I'll shop, and others will be buying us clothes as well and it will be fine right away. But it's those first few weeks..and even the excitement leading up to it...will I ever find neutral things cute??

I'm struggling with the nursery as well for the same reason.. beige is so boring. 

Anyone else feel this way?

Sorry for the long post...just feeling a little blah today about the whole thing.. I'm super excited for baby, but feel like I am way less excited about the 'stuff' that I will need when I really thought this would be exciting to shop and plan for it!

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