August 2013 Moms

Gluten sensitive/intolerant

I was wondering if there are any gluten sensitive/intolerant mama's to be out there, because I have a question. I have noticed that I can eat regular wheat products every couple of days. Not necessarily going bananas, but I did eat half a pizza, and I did feel fine the rest of the day and the next day.

Have any of you been tempted to try an old fave and find out it's ok to try gluten once in a while? Or am I the only one?

It's been really hard for me to get through this first trimester without real bread especially because I just realized I had a gluten issue in august. So the wonderfulness of real wheat products is still fresh in my mind. I've found that for optimal tummy happiness I can do 2 days gluten free, and one day have some gluten products.

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