
Food sensitivity ?

DS is 4 weeks and EBF. I really don't know if these "symptoms" are just normal baby stuff or something to be concerned about.

His poop is loose.. Sometimes even watery, and sometimes it seems mucusy.

He spits up. Idk if its excessive or just normal baby spitup. What is considered a normal amount of spit up for a baby? He also doesn't burp much, so idk if that's part of the reason he spits up. I try burping him for like 20 minutes and just nothing happens.

He is somewhat fussy. Again, what amount of fussiness is just a baby being a baby, and at what point does it indicate something might be wrong? He usually calms down when I hold him... But when I googled it said that if the fussiness is from gas then being upright will help, I always hold him upright. Not intentionally, but just because that's what feels natural for me. So idk if he's calming down because he wanted to be held, or he's calming down because I have him upright.

So my first guess of what might be wrong is a sensitivity to something I'm eating, and I know the most likely culprit is dairy. I LOVE dairy. I pretty much live on it. I would cut it if I had too.... But again, I just don't know if I'm over reacting to normal baby stuff, and I don't want to give up dairy if I don't really have to.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
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