

Ouch. ouch. ouch. My boobs hurt. They ache when they're full. They feel saggy and ache in a different way when they are empty. My nipples are tender and sore. It hurts like crazy for the first 10 seconds of baby's latch. He periodically gets frustrated flips out while nursing...kicking, punching, scratching pulling and twisting my nipple, which hurts nipple boob c section incision. I've bought 5 new bras since he was born and none are comfortable. Clothes are all uncomfortable nothing fits. But it's too cold to go topless being cold/exposed hurts my boobs too.

The LC said after two weeks my supply would regulate, my nipples would toughen up and it wouldn't hurt any more. Baby is three weeks, two days even has good latch technique. So why do my boobs still hurt feel uncomfortable all the time. Wah.

Also I'm very tired, feel totally cooped up in the house, haven't seen the sun in ages. Wah, again.
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