
Do I need to replace my pump? If so, what do you recommend?

 I currently have the Evenflo Simplygo Electric Pump which I bought several months ago to pump occasionaly as my ds wouldn't take a bottle. So I pumped a bit every now and then to get him to try and take it. He now seems to accept a bottle if its breastmilk only. After over 6 months of EBF I'd like a break and like for others to be able to feed him. The only time I seem to get a chance to pump is before bed (3-4 hours after ds goes to bed). Problem is I can only ever get 1oz out of each breast. Do you think its the cheap pump I'm using? If I invest in a better pump do you think I'd get more milk? I just don't want to spend the money if it doesn't pump anymore than my current pump. I'd also consider used. What pump should I keep my eye open for?
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