Pregnant after IF

Baby came 6wks early

I went in for an ultrasound at MFM because my amniotic fluid was low and it was even lower there plus my BP was really high so they sent me over to the hospital to be monitored and to induce me, when they went to check my cervix and and to place the pill on it the nurse looked at me with wide eyes and said you are already dilated to 6. I didn't even feel contractions till I was dilated to 7 almost 8. I was in labor for 2 hours, pushed for 20 minutes and Arabella Grace was out. 5lbs. 4oz 17in. Born on 12/31/12 at 8:58 pm. She was in the NICU for 6 days because I had gestational diabetes and they wanted to make sure she could take her full feed of 45ml and maintain her blood sugar her self. She is now 16 days old and weighing 6lbs and 18in. We are both doing great!!


Just wanted to up date you all. 

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