1st Trimester

Happy Start to the Summer - BFP!!!

Hi Ladies,

I hope its okay if I join you!!  I got my BFP this morning at 12 DPO.  I wasn't going to test until AF was late, but I have been super light headed all day yesterday and again this morning.  I decided to go ahead and give it a try and to my absolutely shock a bright pink line showed up on my Wondfo.  It wasn't quite as dark as the test line, but pretty close.  I immediately ripped open a digital and poof...a big YES popped up.  I am extremely excited, but also cautious at this point.  I had a chemical pregnancy last month and am really hoping this time this is for real.  One positive is that I never had a positive on a digital last time, so I'm taking this as a good sign.  My estimated due date is February 6, 2013.  Yay!!!!  I look forward to getting to know everyone and learning as much as I can from you.   

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