Pregnant after IF

Fresh IVF #3 - 2nd monitoring appt today/update

Hi ladies here is my update as of my 2nd monitoring appointment today (6th day of stims):  ultrasound showed my lining looked excellent and about 12 nice size follies along with some smaller ones I am hoping catch up - I started the Ganirelix today and my bloodwork came back good so they are keeping me on the 375IU dose of Gonal F along with the 10 units of low dose HCG.  I will be going back tomorrow, Friday and possibly Saturday for bloodwork and ultrasounds, they are now saying retrieval could be Sunday or Monday as opposed to Monday or Tuesday.  I feel ok just tired, bloated and on and off slight nagging headaches.  I will have another update tomorrow, as always thanks for your thoughts and prayers :) 

 * 1st update on 1/14/13: Hey ladies!  Here is my first official update since my last post on 1/2/13 - I started stimming on Friday 1/11 - 10 units of low dose HCG in the morning and 450 IUs of Gonal F at night - first set of bloodwork and ultrasound was today - ultrasound showed my lining was perfect and there were lots of follies on both ovaries with the biggest being 13mm so they said they would have an easier time counting them in my next appointment which is Wednesday morning - my nurse just called and said my bloodwork was good, my E2 was over 400 so they are lowering my Gonal F to 375IUs starting tonight. I will repost an update on Wednesday, thanks for all your support! :) *

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