August 2013 Moms


Hi everyone,

I was hoping to get some advice (especially appreciated from anyone else in New England as I know different areas of the country do things differently). I was previously living in Boston and had a great doctor that I loved. Due to my recent marriage and my husbands long commute we ended up moving to CT. I went to a gyno appointment that was recommended by my primary care back in August for an annual check-up and to establish care but they had me see an APRN. I liked her so I didn't think much of it and stayed at the practice. I got married in October and am now pregnant! Surprise! I scheduled an appointment in the office but did not love the OBGYN as his bedside manner was not great. It sounds like he is one of 6 doctors that could deliver and they want me to see each doctor throughout the pregnancy. I am not very happy because I feel like I do not have a primary OBGYN and I do not feel my care is being taken care of very well if I see a different person each time. I know that I can't control who delivers my baby but I feel like I would be more comfortable with at least one doctor knowing my care so that if the delivering doctor has a question during the delivery at least one person is familiar with my medical history and needs. Also I do not feel comfortable with the ultrasound tech. She told me my due date was off and that the doctor would call me and the doctor who called me said she felt the tech may have been off with the measurements. (I believe now I am 11 weeks but it is making it very hard to feel confident in this now). I also was hoping to do a gender reveal and the tech said she would not write down the gender for me due to legal reasons but I have heard of other practices doing this for patients and really did not think it was illegal. 

Long story short, has anyone else run into a situation like this? Is it typical to not have a primary obgyn? Does anyone from this area know any other practices that they recommend? When it is too late to change doctors if I do decide to change? Has anyone else run into the "legal" problem of not writing down the gender for a reveal? This whole situation has been very stressful for me and I would appreciate any input that others have. Thank you!  

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