August 2013 Moms

Morning sickness fading?

I'm currently 9 weeks, and up until a few days ago, m/s hit me hard. I haven't thrown up since the first day but instead had a constant nausea nearly all day. Then, thankfully, Saturday I got a bit of a reprieve. I was able to do some cleaning and ate pretty normally (when compared to how I've been doing since m/s hit). I was thankful for the day off but thought I was going to be hit again this week, especially considering I'm a teacher and this is finals week. The last two days, then, I've been feeling so much better, not as tired with a definite appetite. Cravings too!


Does anyone else feel like their morning sickness is improving?  

Married since 7/11/09 TTC #1 since 5/12 Clomid cycle #1: 11/12/12 BFP 12/12/12 Progesterone until 2nd trimester BabyFruit Ticker
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