
Were you "out of it" during/ after c/s??? * lil long*

So i was induced with LO #2 early in the morning (dont remember what time exactly) but i labored for 16+ hours before the dr told me i wasnt dilating past 9cm and my man was turned sideways and wasnt budging- so we decided to go with the c/s- i was taken to the OR given the anesthesia and everything got underway...i had to FIGHT so hard to stay awake it was insane...i struggled so hard to stay conscious enough to hear him cry for the 1st time and my hubby said i passed out immediately- i didnt even get to see him when they let DH hold him while they put me back together!!! I roused up a lil when they were finishing up and taking me to recovery but my LO was already gone to the nursery and DH was out with the family. ( i was extremely cranky when they wheeled me past all my family on my way to recovery and everyone said how beautiful he was- i didnt even get to see him :( ) so my question is: Is that normal? Were you out of it like this for your c/s? the only other thing i thought maybe it was because i labored for so long and everything before that with the added anesthesia i was just so exhausted by that point!?! Im scheduled for a RCS on 1/22 and im hoping to at least get to lay eyes on my LO this time....thx for reading...sorry so long!!!
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