3rd Trimester

Length of labor second+ time around

How did your length of labor compare in subsequent pregnancies?

A little nervous, since they say labor goes quicker the 2nd time around. My first was 12 hours from first contraction to baby (4cm to pushing in 6 hours).

Not sure about my second, since I was rushed into an emergency cesarean shortly after arriving at the hospital (3cm after only 2 hours of contractions, not sure if I'd dilated beforehand, was only 36 weeks so hadn't been checked yet).

A little nervous about this 3rd time around, since it'll take at least an hour to get the kids dropped off with the babysitter and get me to the hospital.

What was your experience? 

DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS Due- 3/24/13 BabyFetus Ticker
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