Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Solid foods - what the heck am I doing?

Good morning.

I constantly find myself wondering HOW to do whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing.  In this case, it's solid foods.  We're not going to start just yet, but I want to be ready for when we do and I just don't know how to get started.

I know the 1st step is rice cereal.  I imagine it'll tell me on the box how much and everything.  But after do I know what fruits/veggies to try?  How long after rice cereal do I try the fruits or veggies?  How do I know how much to give?  How do I know how often to give?  Is there a book that you're using as a guide that you find helpful?  A website?  Common sense (which maybe you're thinking I'm lacking right about now, lol)?

Any advice is appreciated!


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