3rd Trimester

Kind of freaking out

TMI warning.

I think I'm just worrying myself over nothing. But for the past week or so, I've been having intermittent nausea. I talked to my doula about it today, and she suggested making sure I get enough protein. So I had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch (so healthy, woo!) because I know peanut butter has protein in it. It didn't help.

I've read that sometimes labor starts with nausea and diarrhea. And today I got hit with the diarrhea. So now I'm being ridiculous and thinking that labor is right around the corner, even though I'm only 35 weeks and LO is not ready. It was a pretty stressful week last week over all, so I think I'm just in this crazy, anxious mindset. I don't have any other symptoms either, so I really don't think I'm coming down with anything.

Plus, I've started with BH contractions over the past three days, and they seem to be getting stronger/more frequent (though I will say I don't think they're anywhere close to real contractions). Please tell me I'm worrying over nothing. I really need to just relax but I keep working myself up over everything. (Nesting like crazy too. My house disgusts me right now.) 

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