Pregnant after IF

Answering "Are you pregnant?"

H would really like to wait until we are out of the first trimester to tell people - I am kind of in the same boat.  I am going to be in mutliple social situations in the next few weeks where I am afraid that someone will look into my behavior (not drinking, not eating lunchmeat, etc.) and will point blank ask me "are you pregnant?" 

I really hate to lie, so I would rather come up with a clever answer to this question rather than just saying "no".  I am OK saying "no" to some people, like acquaintances, but I do feel bad lying to some of my close friends, especially when they know a little about our struggles.  Does anyone have any suggestions of how to answer this question?  TIA!

Started TTC #1: July 2010 DX: PCOS
BFP: 12/5/10 Natural M/C: 12/17/10 (5w6d)
Cycle 10 - 50mg Clomid + TI = BFN
Cycle 11 - 50mg Clomid + IUI converted to TI = BFN
Cycle 12 - 50mg Clomid + IUI #1 = BFN
Cycle 13 - Clomid Break + Charting + Dr. Recommendations = BFN
Cycle 14 - Clomid Break + Charting + meeting with URO (all clear!) = BFP!!
Beta #1 - 105 Beta #2 - 336! 1st U/S (@5w4d)- gest. sac and yolk sac, measuring 5w2d 2nd U/S - 1/16 (will be 8w2d) Stick and grow, little bean! My Ovulation Chart
BabyFruit Ticker

* Congrats to my girl SarahRuthG on her new baby boy!*
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