3rd Trimester


So I have only ever replied to other peoples posts but I really need to vent/get advice. I am 26 weeks pregnant (yes I know this is the third trimester spot) I just figured everyone that is on this one is farther along than me and might have gone through this. Starting at about 23 weeks my pubic area started to hurt. Randomly at first then constantly. It has gotten to the point where some times I can't even climb the steps or pick up my son(who is one). I went to the doctor and she told me it was round ligament pain and that it is probably worse this time than the first time because I just had a baby and my body is still "loose". I accepted this and tried to deal with it. However at around 24wks and 3 days I started getting bad backaches with it. Then yesterday I started getting stomach aches and headaches. I called and they said it was probably nothing to worry about. My baby kicks constantly so I know he is fine but I still feel like something is wrong. I am so frustrated and worried. My one year old has also become very clingy and doesn't understand when I can't pick him up. It literally hurts to move. I have a hard time getting things done. I stay at home so it's not like I have a job but as most would agree that are stay at home moms it is a lot more work that some jobs out their. I have laundry to do but don't like going up and down the steps when its not necessary. I also have cleaning upstairs that I can't do because of my back and pubic area. When I did go in they didn't even do a vaginal exam. Just a tummy check. Its like how do they know nothing is wrong down there if they don't check. I know most people don't want to have an extra vaginal exam however this pain is making it really hard to live my life. I guess I just want to know if anyone else has this problem and if there is anything that my doctor could do if I kept bothering her. I don't want to bug her for nothing she really is a good doctor. I think the baby is fine I just think something is wrong with me. Maybe selfish but I want to snuggle my first son before the new baby makes him jealous. Sorry to post so much.

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