Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What have you tried to fight reflux?

I feel like we are fighting a constant battle with DS's reflux. It began with spitting up and gurgling in his throat. At his 2 week checkup the doctor said to try raising his matress. He was then sleeping in a PNP in our room. This helped minimally for a while. Since DS has latching problems he must eat BM from a bottle so we bought the Dr. Browns bottles. This helped a little by keeping down the gas. Then we tried a RNP. Even with that we had to raise the back up with towels (i feel like the poor kid sleeps practically sitting up!) At his month appointment the doctor suggested we add 3 tsp of rice cereal to his 4 ounces of BM. This helped a little also but it was hard for him to digest and kept binding him up. In the past 4 days we've been having a major problem where he making really loud straining noises with some grunting and back arching which culminates in shrieking or crying (all while he is still asleep). It happens at night and at naptime but not any other time during the day. The doctor thinks this is from acid backing up in his throat and prescribed Zantac. I don't know what else to do if there is anything. I've tried eliminating dairy and soy from my diet as best as possible but that doesnt seem to help much either. I want to figure this out not only for my own sanity (and sleep!!) but also because LO seems so uncomfortable. Any advice is appreciated!!
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