Pregnant after IF

Our Daughter (miscarriage)

At 17 weeks 3 days, I was admitted to the hospital with severe cramping and bleeding. it was discovered that my baby, though she had a strong heartbeat, had descended past my dilated cervix. Since she had a heartbeat, nothing could be done but wait. Unfortunately I had started to leak amniotic fluid. A few days later, my water fully broke and I became severely infected. Our daughter died inside of my vagina, but while she was still connected to me. That gives me some peace. I endured an emergency D & C under full anesthesia in order to save my life. 

Born still at 18 weeks 3 days, our daughter weighed 6.1 ounces and was 8 inches long. We saw and held her and she was perfect in every way. My body just failed her.

Spending my days recovering. This all happened on our vacation back home to tell everyone our happy news. Sadly it turned into a tragedy, but I'm thankful our families were all together. It certainly has helped the grieving process.

 So I guess with all that, I'll be heading back to the IF board, or maybe the Miscarriage/Loss board.  Hope one day to make it back here. 

 Best of luck to you. May you all get your take- home babies. 

Dx Hypothyroid 2009 - Dx PCOS 3/2011- TTC since March 2010
DH: Perfect
April 2011 - HSG - Normal/Clear but tilted uterus
May 2011 - Start Metformin
June 2011 - SIS - Arcuate but normal uterus
July 2011 - 100mg Clomid Cycle cancelled - No response
August-September 2011 - Break for oral & eye surgery
Oct 2011 - Femara 7.5mg + Metformin 1500mg + Novarel trigger + IUI #1 = BFN
Nov-Mar 2012- Break due to DH ship schedule
April 2012 - Femara 7.5mg + Metformin 1500mg + Novarel trigger + IUI #2 = BFFN
May 2012 - Femara 7.5mg + Metformin 1500mg + Trigger + IUI #3 = BFFN
June 2012 - Femara cycle cancelled - No response
Jul-Aug 2012 - Break, getting our financials in order
September 2012 - IVF w/ ICSI and AZH
9/11/12 - ER (34 retrieved, 24 mature, 18 fertilized)
9/16/12 - ET - 5dt of 2 perfect blasts and 7 frosties!!!
Beta #1 - 10/1/12 - BFP!!! 2000+
Beta #2 - 10/3/12 - 4881
Beta #3 - 10/5/12 - 8570
First u/s - 10/9/12 - 6w0d - 2 sacs!!!
Second u/s - 10/16/12 - 7w0d - 2 babies with 2 strong hbs!!
First OB appt - 11/5/12 - "Baby A" looks great, good hb and movement, measuring 10w0d
"Baby B" stopped growing at 8 weeks :0(
12/5/12 - Baby looks great at 14w2d - 165bpm heartrate!
January 4th, 2013 - Lost our Baby Girl, Faith at 18w3d
Emergency D&C to clear infection
We love you and miss you little one
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