Pregnant after IF


We had our appointment with the MFM specialist.  It did not go well.  I was hoping that we would hear it was just gastroschisis (still VERY serious).  Unfortunately, Baby B has an omphalocele.  The intestines (and possibly the liver) are growing in a sac outside the body through the belly button.  There is a 25-40% chance of other birth defects or chromosomal abnormalities.  Somehow, we have already started to wrap our minds around all of this and deal with it.  

 We were given options for genetic testing and also selective termination.  The utterance of those words sent me over the edge when meeting with the doc.  We talked about all of our options on the way home and decided that we will wait the 4 weeks to do amniocentesis.  The other option was CVS (tissue from the placenta) but this has to be completed by Wednesday, has a higher risk of miscarriage and needs to be done 2.5hrs away at a different facility.  We are praying so hard that this baby has no other abnormalities, a healthy heart and healthy kidneys.  It could potentially be a VERY long road after birth for the repair, but maybe this thing will be small and will only require a few months in the NICU. We are also struggling to keep in mind what's best for our other healthy baby.  It is all very overwhelming, but we will fight for both of our babies!  Prayers would be very appreciated.  If the baby will have no quality of life, we pray that God will make that decision for us. 

Me: 26 DH: 26
Together 11 years, Married 3.5 years
TTC #1 since 12/2010 with unexplained IF
HSG: normal SA: normal
Jan 2011-April 2011: Femara 2.5 mg with 4 failed cycles
May 2012-Aug 2012: 3 IUIs- 100mg Clomid + Ovidrel + Endometrin = BFNs
November 2012: IVF #1 ER: 11/2 22 eggs retrieved. ET: 5dt on 11/7 (2 transferred)
Beta #1 on 11/19: 1069 Beta #2 on 11/21: 2752
1st ultrasound 12/5- It's TWINS!!!
Baby B with omphalocele...awaiting amnio for further testing
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