3rd Trimester

Please help! What would you do? Healthcare/Insurance issue...

Here is my issue, Ladies, I really hope you can help - and, maybe you too might want to look into your insurance and make sure this doesn't happen to you:

 So my OB, who I delivered with for my daughter's birth (she's now 3yrs old) has decided to change the hospital they exclusively will deliver at - and, I'm 8 months pregnant, the "new' hospital is in another state (now 45 minutes away from me) and - the BIG issue - turns out that even though the OB assured me that I was "covered" under my healthcare plan - upon further investigation with my healthcare provider, there are 2 tax id numbers that the new hospital can choose to bill - one is covered, the other is not.  OMG.  So I started with the OB - what the heck? Can you explain, I asked -  Did you know about this, I asked. And, most importantly - at my DH's recommendation (thanks honey!) I asked, "Can you put it in writing that I will not be billed under the tax id that is not covered?" - The billing person in my OB office said her contact at the new hospital will (be able to put it in writing), and said her contact asked me to email him personally so he could help. (My first red flag).

Turns out: one tax id (the covered-one) is for "hospital services"   So, I'm covered for my OB, obviously, and "hospital services" - great, BUT -

 the OTHER tax id with is NOT COVERED, as explained by the hospital person in our email exchange is for "Physician services"

My mind says - "Physician services" could be anything (outside of room service and my OB-related charges)!? Yikes!

What about: 

- Anesthesia/Anesthesiologist
- the Pediatric physicians (because, btw, my pediatrician does not have a license in the state of the "new" facility) and associated charges
- associated charges for circumcision
- lab/bloodwork
- associated charges for a C-section; God forbid, but what if something goes wrong and they need someone other than my OB to assist?

 I checked, and I can switch OBs under my healthcare plan this late in the 'game' with out accruing any additional costs.

 My question is this:

Should I switch OB's so late in the game?  I'm disappointed in my OB, have lost faith that they have my best interest at heart, and also, have never really connected with any of the 4 Dr's in the practice, so it wouldn't be a heart breaker for me, and, I fear making them upset with all my questions now then trusting them when I am most vulnerable later - BUT - they know me (medically), my history, I'm 8mo along and in the home-stretch, and it would be so time consuming and nerve wracking to meet and get to know an entirely new OB, and, what if this is a common-thing? that no matter what facility I deliver in, there will be variable tax id's?

  Please, ladies, what would you do?  I'm stressing over this, but don't have time to get caught up in feeling victimized or frankly, p.o'd - instead, I need to take charge, have a plan, and move forward in the most positive and (financially!) sound  direction...we could be talking the difference of thousands of dollars out-of-pocket, here.

I'm in the process of: 

1 - getting a full list of this second (not covered) tax id services, that I could potentially be billed for, so I can assess if it's even possible (that I may be billed)
2 - calling another hospital to ensure that all of the tax id's they bill are covered (as a backup plan)
3 - letting my OB know the latest findings with their new fancy-schmancy hospital (although they still have not called me back!  I'm sorry, but I can't help but place blame on them a bit - they should have known about this! AND, what about all the other soon-to-be mommy's that have my same healthcare coverage?  they have no idea, and could at this very moment be receiving an astronomical bill!)
4 - already contacted my pediatrician to get an OB referral

Thank you soooooo much in advance!  Any advice you can give would be great!


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