
What does this eating change mean?

I'm a teacher, so my DD (7.5 mo) goes to daycare.  She never had a problem eating from a bottle.  Over my winter break, she was EBF.  I didn't bother to offer her a bottle at any point because, well...I didn't think of any problems arising.

 Monday was her first day back at daycare, and she absolutely refuses to drink from a bottle.  The babysitter tried a syringe.  No luck.  The next day I sent different bottles.  No luck.  In order to get some milk in DD, the babysitter has been mixing 3-4 oz of milk with solids and getting about 12 oz. of bm in DD.

 Now, in the past three days, DD has barely nursed when at home with me.  Her usual 10ish min. of nursing every 3 or so hours has turned into nibbling.  I haven't been giving her solids at home since she gets so many at daycare.

 So what's the deal with the changes?  I guess the bottle refusal makes sense as she's getting pickier as she gets older and she didn't have to use one for two weeks (so we're trying with a sippy cup since she's at least interested in the cup).  But what does barely eating at night mean?  Is she full from the day?  Is this what weaning looks like?  

 She's not sick, not cranky, etc. etc.  She's perfectly happy...just displaying very sudden, very different eating habits. 

 Thank you for any input!

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