
BLW, daycare, more milk, oh my!

I'm probably jumping the gun on this post, but it's on my mind and i figured you ladies may have some advice.  I have several issues...

 I started BLW with DD right around 6 mos and she and I both love it and she does awesome. It makes DH and my dad nervous ( he watches her 2 days a week), so I agreed to buy some purees for them to try with her if it made them more comfortable.  My issue is that the only time I really have to feed her solids is evenings and weekends and when I feed her in the evenings, she seems to have a hard time sleeping...not sure if it's gas/tummy troubles or what...and I'm not sure what to do...have daycare/ grandparents feed purees during the day? Do BLW on weekends until she tolerates it better in the evenings? Any advice? 

Second issue...DD started daycare on Monday after we had to drop our in home provider before Christmas. We love the center, but it's been years since they had a breastfed baby(?! Surprised me, too), so they were a little surprised when I told them DD only takes about 3.5 oz every 3 hours or so. Sure enough, I got a note yesterday that they think she needs more milk. She still had a whole bottle left when DH picked her up, and I typically pump more than she takes so it's not a problem yet, but I'm not sure how to approach the issue with them. Which is also where the pur?e question comes in...I think it may appease them if I send solids in for them to give her between bottle feedings? Anyone have experience in this area? Advice? 

Wow...that was longer than I intended and kind of rambling..many thanks if you made it this far! 

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