
So frustrated by the constant spit up....

Hoping to get some advice regarding this situation.  My little guy seems to spit up pretty constantly, though some days are worse than others. He is only in the 35th percentile for weight (in 85th for height and 94th for head circumference) so I am somewhat concerned. He is taking Zantac for acid reflux.  I am told that it doesn't help with the spitting up and I'm not even certain he still has acid reflux, but I continue to give him the medicine. He will spit up almost immediately after every feeding with me. I can't even burp him before he is spitting up!  I get that the spit up "looks like more than it is" and some spit up is normal, but he is spitting up a great deal.  It is literally a gigantic puddle a lot of the time. I tested how much he would have spit up after his evening feeding and it was over 2 oz during two seperate "back to back" spit ups of over 1 oz and he then continued with smaller spit ups.  I don't see how he is possibly getting enough to eat at this rate.

I thought he could have MSPI, but the pedi said he would have other symptoms.  I would like to see if he does better on formula, but he refuses to eat formula at this time. I'm not certain if an overactive letdown is causing this. He seems worse after BF as opposed to bottle feeding and does do a lot of choking, pulling off, etc. when he is BF at times. Sometimes he pulls off and I am still spraying everywhere so I figure it is no wonder he is having trouble!!!  My MIL says he doesn't spit up when he is with her while I'm at work, though I'm not certain of the accuracy of this due to communication issues as she doesn't speak English.  Any insight is appreciated! 

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