
lots of quick questions

this will be my 3rd baby but the first time i will be a SAHM from day one so i am very interested in breast feeding but confused too. i hear they eat like every 2 hrs if you breastfeed so at night do you feed the baby, change it, sleep for an hour then start all over? when do you sleep? and do you have to pump? if the baby eats so often when do you have time to pump? i still have the "boobs are for sex" mentality so can they be used for sexy time after breastfeeding is finished for good? LOL sorry. does it hurt at all or just if they aren't latched on right? my husbands step sister was just up and her baby had thrush and she said she had like a yeast infection all over her boobs? what is that all about? that truly grosses me out. i am always home so it wouldn't be an inconvenience at all and i would really like to do it despite all the stories i hear, any help would be appreciated, thanks. ( or you could just suggest i take a damn class to figure it all out if thats easier)
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic image DD #1 1-31-02 DD#2 9-26-08 BFP#3 1-31-02 mc 2-23-12 BFP #4 EDD 3-22-13 KACIE
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