
Boosting Daytime Supply

I am wondering if I am doing the right things to boost my daytime supply.  I have noticed since the beginning that I tend to feel like I have less milk during the day than at night, when I seem to have an abundance.  I usually only would pump at night since DH gives a bedtime bottle(so I would pump while he feed) and then LO block feeds at night(so I would pump the opposite side during the night).

So since I have an over abundance at night I have tried to cut out the midnight pumping(and having LO not block feed anymore so I don't get engorged) and add in a pumping in the morning after LO nurses to try and boost my supply during the day.  

Is adding a morning pump in the right thought process to help boost my supply during the day?  Should I add in more pumping sessions during the day?  If I add in pumping sessions during the day to help boost my supply how do I avoid feeling like I don't have enough milk for LO to then nurse on demand? 

ETA:  I have tried Fenugreek to boost supply but it hasn't seemed to help over the last month. 

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Trying To Conceive since November 2009
Dx: PCOS and MFI
IUI#1-4 all BFN
IVF#1 January (4R, 4M, 1F)
Beta# 1 2/22=109!!, Beta# 2=241
June 5th: It's A Boy!!
Colt was born on 10/27 at 11:50pm. 6lbs and 19 1/4"


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