
XP: supply, pumping, sleeping through the night

I pump and BF.  At work, I pump at 8, 11, 1, 3, and 5 on my way home,  I get about 14-15 oz now (used to be 18-19, grumble...)  DS2 is glued to the boob from when I get home until 10 or so.  I try to go to bed right afterward.  On a good night, he gives me 4 blissful hours of sleep.  Then the fun begins.  He might give me another 2 hours, but then the hourly awakenings begin.  This is fine, but annoying, on my days off, but it's killing me during the week.  I'm starting to do some gentle night weaning so I don't just drive off the road one morning, but I'm worried about supply.  Since I pump during the day and I really can't fit in any more sessions, how can I maintain my supply? I know about fenugreek, blessed thistle, reglan, etc.  But is there anything else I can do for when he (eventually) STTN?  Thanks.
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