
From bottle to breast -- possible?

I'm new here, and I've mostly been posting on the Preemie board.  LO was 8 weeks early and is now 10 weeks old (2 weeks adjusted age).  For 10 weeks she's been on a bottle (with me trying to BF -- attempting at least once a day).  I have everything (breastfriend pillow, nipple shield, stool, everything!) and still her latch is poor and her suction weak.  I've seen 2 LC's in person and spoken to one over the phone -- they keep saying "in time, she'll get better at it".  I actually don't believe this, because isn't more time at the bottle bad for her? -- so I don't know when to stop trying.  I have two other children (ages 2 and 4) and it's very difficult to pump, put it in a bottle, feed her, and make BF attempts all day long....  Is it too late for her learn to BF? Any advice is appreciated.
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