
Reassurance about supply and genetics (kinda long)

With DD I pumped and supplemented but never had enough milk despite trying nearly everything in the book to increase my supply. We had a lot of cards against us, though, and I figured it was more the situation causing the issues (preemie c/s with DD then in the NICU, not being allowed to start pumping for 24 hours -- don't get me started on that --, stress, etc, etc). After my supply kept decreasing even after upping my pumping sessions and I was only getting a total of 3 oz / day, I threw in the towel when DD was 9 weeks old.

Since then, though, my mom told me that she BF'd me for a month, but after I wasn't back to my birth weight by then, the pedi advised her to stop BFing because I wasn't thriving and she did. She said with my brother she lasted about 2 weeks, but again, he wasn't gaining so she switched to formula.

Now I'm questioning whether I'm genetically doomed to have a poor supply. Can anyone reassure me that this is not the case? My EDD is nearing, it looks like I'll have a term baby (yay!), and yet this is one thing that I still feel so insecure about. 

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