
Solids ?

Hi everyone, DD is a smidge over 6 months.  We started her on solids around 4.5 months per our pedi and she is now eating 2 packs (3.5 oz each) of Gerber 2nds fruit or veggies a day plus sometimes my daycare lady gives her oatmeal mixed with BM.

My question is this: before we started solids she was eating 5 4 oz bottles/day at daycare, plus nursing once or twice before, a couple of times after, and about twice overnight.  I know this seems like overfeeding, but I easily kept up with pumping that amount - in fact I have built up to a 1.5 gallon freezer stash from nothing when I went back to work at 12 weeks - and she nurses almost ever 2 hours when I have a full day with her.  Recently at daycare she has only been drinking 3 4 oz bottles plus her fruit & veggies (today it was sweet potatoes and a pear/pineapple mix) and some oatmeal.  I am concerned because everything I've read says she should still get her nutrition  from BM and should not reduce her intake because of it.  OTOH, it seems that she is finally getting in line with "average" baby intake.  She was 8 lbs 4 oz at birth and is now around 16 lbs (our 6 month appointment is Wednesday so I can only guess from weighing myself and weighing us together and subtracting). Do you think I should cut back her solids and try to increase her BM intake again? 

 Thanks in advance!

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