
XP - WW Ladies - Supply Issues

Any experience with supply issues while on Weight Watchers for Nursing Mom?

I started WW last week and have been eating all of my points each day. Beyond that there was been no changes in our routine. The past few days my DS has been super fussy when nursing. He unlatches multiple times during a session and I feel like I'm fighting to keep him going. Then today he got himself so worked up that he wouldn't even latch. When he pulled off I did the good ole squeeze test and nothing came out. 

At this point he was starving and so over worked that I caved and gave him a few ozs of frozen milk. After taking the 2 oz he calmed down enough to latch on and nurse on one size for a few minutes. He was fine after that.

Once I calmed myself down, I took a shower then pumped for 20 min. I got an oz, so at least that's something. I chugged a ton of water and made myself a cup of Mother's Milk Tea.

I'm hoping it was a one-time thing, as this has never happened, before. But I'm slightly freaking out and assuming the worst.

Anyone have any suggestions? TIA
Love 09.23.00 | Marriage 07.19.08
Baby Carriage | Cooper Thomas | 08.02.12 at 31w2d | 3lb 9oz
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