
pumping questions

I have a 12 week old daughter and I recently went back to work 3 days a week. I've had to start pumping while at work (which is roughly 3 times a day) and I have only been able to get about 8-10oz while at work. Is that normal? Low? I'm stressing out because while I'm gone my DC has been giving her 12oz in 8hrs. I'm not sure if that's too much, too little.

Breastfeeding is fine while I'm with her and she is always satisfied with one breast per session. So it's just a problem with pumping, I have no idea what normal is and how much she should get per feeding while I'm away! Please help this FTM! I should also add that she is gaining weight just fine (in the 75th percentile). I'm just worried that I'm not pumping enough to meet her needs and if I need to add in a pumping session or pump on the days I don't work to build a stash. I only have around 6-7 bags in my stash that are each 4oz. 

Thank you anyone who read that and has some wisdom:)

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