
weaning? maybe?

So I am in the weaning process (baby is 10 months old) he still nurses 3-4 times a day but I dont think he is getting much... also he is seeming very disinterested in nursing.  And BITING me... hard.  

He nurses well in the middle of the night when he wakes up (not every night) and in the morning nurses well... but just now before his first nap he wasn't interested so I just lay him down and he was fine... He usually will nurse again before his afernoon nap but I really dont feel or hear a let down anymore.  I'm thinking I dont have much milk left... At night I give him 6 oz formula before bed (started at 5 months to maybe help him sleep better) and he eats a TON of baby food/finger food.  I'm thinking hes not getting enough milk... but of course have no way of knowing.  I was thinking I would nurse til he was one.  but if he's not getting enough milk now I should be giving a couple more bottles/day shouldn't I?  How many oz should he get at 10 months?   

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