
EPed for 8 weeks would like to try to BF again

My LO will be 8 weeks on Tuesday.  I EBF for the first week, which was tough.  He was so sleepy (as all newbys are) and nearly impossible to wake.  He would always fall asleep at the breast and nothing (and I mean nothing) would wake him (stripping him down, bath etc)  Long story short, I decided to EP and bottle feed him my milk.  Well, 8 weeks later and I would really love for he and I both to reap the benefits of breastfeeding, if possible. I am wondering if its possible to reintroduce the breast for a couple of feedings a day.  Has anyone ever done this, or have tips on how I might try?  I offered the breast earlier today and he almost looked plain "confused". 


Stupid question - whats a supplemental nursing system?

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