
Am I going to mess my supply up?

Eloise will sometimes only eat for about 10 minutes on one breast. She's full, my breast softens and she'll sleep for 2-3 hours no problem. I've read everywhere though that they should nurse for 20 minutes on each breast but she's incredibly hard to wake up after one of the short feedings.

Sometimes she'll nurse for 40-50 minutes [20 or so per breast] so it's not always that she'll fill off 10 minutes. I'm not sure how badly this will mess with my supply. Should I pump to even off the breasts when she only nurses for 10 minutes?

She poops... probably 8-10 times a day so she's definitely getting food I'm just not sure if I'm setting myself up for longterm difficulties if I let her have complete control of when and how she eats.

I'm going to head to a La Leche League meeting Tuesday but I sort of feel a little overwhelmed for the next two days! 

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