3rd Trimester

MIL in Delivery Room?

I was under the assumption that only my partner and my mom would be in the delivery room with me. After Christmas, I have been informed by my partner that his mother is coming up to stay with us after the baby is born. I guess I'm okay with that, even though she has major health problems, so I feel we (especially DH) will be more worried about her and whether she is okay (and I will not be able to sleep in my own bed after I pop out a baby, which sounds terrible and selfish on my part, I know).

Well, last night, (with 3 days left until our due date and 5 days left until our induction date) I was informed that MIL will be called as soon as I go into labor (she is 4 hrs away), and she will be in the delivery room with us. I understand that she is her granddaughter, and I have no problem with her visiting the baby after she is born, but I have been under the impression that labor and delivery is not a show (Let's see a baby born!)... It's about physical strain and pain, where you need a support crew to help you through it. DH has been super confident the entire time and has been in a delivery room with someone else before (which he doesn't fail to drill that he has more experience supposedly), so he said he doesn't need anything and that he will be fine... labor won't be that hard, it will be a walk in the park (whatever), and MIL and I don't have the best relationship (we aren't close at all!), so what is the point in her being there?

What do you guys think? 

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