Trying to Get Pregnant

Ugh swimsuit season is gonna be a biitch...

Because I'm KTFU! I got my BFP this morning. I'm so freaking happy. I have my annual with my OB on Wednesday so the timing seriously couldn't have been better.

How I told DH: DH isn't home actually so I haven't told him yet. I have texted him saying FedEx had left a package on the front porch and something inside needed his immediate attention and signature so I'm on my way to his work right now. I got a shipping package from target and inside I placed poppy seeds with a note that says congrats daddy your little poppy seed arrives in December. He's going to so excited!

What we did: I temped, used OPKs, charted CM, and we hit omin5, omin3, omin2, omin1, and oplus1. I also ate pineapple core the 5 days after ovulation; not sure if that had anything to do with it, but I'm so happy I did.

The mushy stuff: Thank you SO much to all the ladies here! You are so so nice and supportive and knowledgeable. You have brought so many laughs into my life and I'm so glad I was able to participate in this group. I am headed to 1st tri and I'm rooting for all of you to join me soon! I know I'll be a dirty lurker here too watching for those BFPs.
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