3rd Trimester

Swollen Perineum

Yes... I definitely had to look up what the proper name of that area was.  So... the Perineum --

I think I had a rough BM a few days ago.  I've had hemorrhoids for years due to some fabulous GI issues.  I may have had a swollen perineum before, but for some reason it seems more pronounced and noticeable being pregnant. I knew it felt irritated on Thursday, but didn't realize it was swollen until yesterday morning.  I just thought my underwear/pantyliner were just irritating it or possibly even my PJ's were creeping up in that area while I slept.

I read a few things that could cause it... internal hemorrhoid, yeast infection. I just don't want it to mean something worse is really going on somewhere.

Has anyone had this?

I have an appointment first thing Monday morning, but I'm hoping the swelling starts to go down before then.  I just went to the bathroom and, yep, still really flipping swollen after going. 



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