Baby Showers

Exception to the rule

You girls know i am all about if your name isn't on the invitation then you aren't invited.  Well, I have encountered an exception (not bs related).  Li received an invitation to a birthday party, only her name was on it.  Obviously, I am not dropping off a 5 month old, so dh and I will be attending as well.

There was no real point to that, I just thought it was an amusing anicdote. 

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Thanksgiving tickersphoto 307df189-2dc4-4bea-9b76-9ac6ceda8155_zps59ea37ee.jpgphoto c779d75a-0807-4fcc-b206-432ab43bdb6d_zpsf12ebd56.jpg
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