
Oversupply changed to undersupply?

DS is almost 11 weeks. I stopped block nursing about 3 weeks ago. I had a huge oversupply that was regulated with 4 hour blocks. However now I am worried I don't have enough milk. When I pump after a feeding I barely get an ounce. Last night I pumped the right side and got 1 oz, but he hasn't eaten on that side in 6 hours! Also, DS has been waking every hour starting at around 4am. He eats for a minute or two then passes out. He never seems to cry from hunger in MOTN but of course I'm paranoid. With DD1, I never block nursed but pumping was successful.

Should I pump more often to increase supply? I am also worried because DS has reflux, I try not to comfort nurse too much since he spits up when he over eats. Maybe I shouldn't worry about the spit up so much and just let him comfort nurse? That might up my supply.

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M/C Nov 9, 2011 at 11 weeks.... We love you & miss you Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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