Babies: 6 - 9 Months

I just want to scream...(vent)

OMG there is way too much going on in my life. 

It's the end of the school year and things are just crazy.  I don't have a job for next school year yet. 

We are in the middle of a big mess, which I can't talk about here. But some serious accusations have been made and I don't know what to do about it. 

I feel like I can't talk to DH about certain things because he's going through them too and he has his own stress (we do talk about most things).  I talk to my mom but she always compares everything to something else.  She is also a pessimist and only sees the negative. 

Ugh...I'm just having a bad day. And then I can't even say what I want to because someone I know may be reading this. Sorry to be such a whiny baby today, you all can slap me and tell me to suck it up if you want.  Smile


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