3rd Trimester

XP: Hospital visitors - Unreasonable??


My sister and I do not have a great relationship, we have never been close, I find her incredibly self absorbed and I only bite my tongue and keep my mouth shut to keep the peace for the sake of my parents.

Since the start of this pregnancy she has been reasonably unsupportive, letting me know a week after I told her I was pregnant that her and her then fiance (now engaged to someone else) would be starting IVF (constantly tries to steal my good news, did the same with our engagement and our wedding) and other behaviours that have always had an ulterior motive behind them eg buying me baby clothes in the hopes that I would make her a god parent. She has also done nothing but be negative eg telling me her 'horror labour story', telling me my baby is going to have ADHD, that shes a massive baby, that DH will be down at the pub, that DH is to immature blah blah blah,

She now lives in another city with is fantastic as Hubby and I do not have alot to do with her but she has decided that she wants to be here when I have baby and is coming up to stay with my brother (another house thank god) from the 12 Jan - 29 Jan (due date 20 Jan) so she and her son age 7 are here when I "hurry up and pop this kid out" and so that "she is one of the first ones to hold baby before any of those other b***hes (my friends) hold her".

I am feeling so overwhelmed by all of this that I am wanting to put a hospital visitor ban on all visitors except for my parents and DH's parents for the first day or two so that I can rest, DH and I can bond with baby and so that I have a good chance to establish BFing before being inundated with friends/family.

My question is: do you think this is being unreasonable? I haven't spoken to DH about it yet as I know he will support me with this (he hates my sister) and also how would you approach telling her?


A very distressed mommy to be

BabyFetus Ticker pregnancy due date
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