
Identifying thrush?

I reviewed the post below about ways to treat thrush but I am wondering from those that have had it how was it diagnosed. I am going to try one more breast feeding session and see how I feel then I plan to call my lactation consultant but I am also curious to get feedback from you ladies.

I have had sore nipples from the beginning and sharp pain during latching. The pain is not as bad as the feeding continues but it is still there. I've already seen the lactation consultant and I do experience pain even with what is observed as a good latch. Because I was having difficulty nursing with the pain I started breast feeding at every other feeding session and pumping at the other sessions to try to build up my tolerance. Every session was too much and I felt like I was risking giving up entirely. I'm not making enough milk so we have been supplementing with formula since leaving the hospital. My daughter is 8 days old.

Okay now the symptoms. Last night after a 25 minute feeding session I was in a lot of pain. I actually had to stop the session at 25 minutes because I was in pain during every suck. I called my husband to finish the feeding with formula. My breasts hurt so bad that it would have been difficult for me to carry her to him. I just laid in bed for about an hour in bad pain. It felt like a stabbing shooting pain and it was in both breasts and was pretty constant. As time went by the pains were more sporadic and it is now more achy. So I guess my question is this just me getting used to nursing or does this sound like symptoms you experienced with thrush? I have not noticed any spots in baby's mouth or on my nipples but I was given antibiotics in the hospital.

I know she wants to nurse and she looks so happy when she does. It breaks my heart that I am not doing better for her.
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