Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Date Night = FAIL

So DH and I went out to dinner and a concert last night. I was so ready to go after a day of toddler/infant combo mania. Then plan was for us to go out and eat and then I pump in the parking lot of the concert (to replace his bedtime feeding). Well we get to the parking lot and I start unloading my pump bad and realize....I FORGOT MY PLASTIC PUMP PARTS! Holy crap! I had the bottles but no flanges, membranes, etc. We were too far away from home to turn back; we would end up missing a good part of the show. So I decided to stomach it and home that my breast pads were up to the challenge. Once we get inside, I feel it...the letdown. I thought mYbe I could go into the bathroom and hand express some. Well I scurry into the stall (thank goodness there wasn't a line!) and nice I lift up my shirt and bra my nips start spraying all over the place. I couldn't figure out how to keep my clothes dry AND control the spray so there I stand, holding my clothes out of the way while I spray down the bathroom with my precious milk. I tried to at least aim one boob into the toliet, but that left the other one all over the wall. I tried to get some toliet paper but my spraying was intense! After I got it under control I tried to clean off the seat. It was gross having to do that, but I didn't want to leave the place in too big of a mess. So anyways, after that adventure was over the concert started. The music was great, but I just kept yawning, exhausted from the last few nights of little sleep. By the time the show was over at 11, I thought my boobs were going to explode through bra and hose down the crowd. DH raced home and I pumped right when I got hom, drained them. DH had been fast asleep after drinking a 5 oz bottle at bedtime. Of course, right when the pump turns off, he wakes up. So DH offered to give a bottle and get him back to bed. Well.....DH has not spent much time soothing DS due to his new work hours, and he's never even laid him down for night or day sleep. I gave him some words of encouragement and then laid down for some much needed rest. So much for sexy time. Well, after an hour of sleep I awoke to DS screaming. I realized DH still was in there, obviously not having success. I go in there and DH is sitting in the rocker with DS in the crib whaling. DH says, "Hes going to have to cry it out. I've tried everything and he won't go to sleep for me." Um....BS. It is NOT time for him to CIO and even if it was, it wouldn't be under these circumstances. So I told DH to go to bed and not to take it personally. I let DS nurse/suckle for 10 minutes and he was out cold for five hours. Zo yea...dinner was nice and the music was great. But with the discomfort of my boobs and my exhaustion, I found myself wishing the evening away and dreaming of my pump and bed. And once again, no sexy play time. Well, maybe better luck next time.
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