
12 months of gratitude

Today is DS's 1st birthday and all I can think about is how grateful I am for the past 12 months.  I cannot believe we have actually survived the first year, and that we have been lucky enough to have an amazing breast feeding relationship.  So, I'd just like to comment on some things I am grateful for (even though I should be in bed getting every minute of sleep I can until he wakes up to nurse):

I am grateful for...

A lactation consultant who saw me every day while in the hospital after my c/s.

A husband that supported my BF-ing efforts without hesitation

A baby that was willing to fumble along and learn how to breast feed as I learned how to be a nursing mom

The DVR that recorded my shows to watch while DS nursed 

The electric pump

A work place that encouraged breast-feeding and pumping

An office manager who graciously moved me from un-rented offices to unused conference rooms to utility closets so I could have a place to pump 3x per day

 An oversupply

Block feeding that corrected my oversupply

Earth Mama Angel Baby Nipple Butter

The Moving Comfort Fiona sports bra - a life saver before/after races 

Co-sleeping in order to survive the first several months of nursing

The BF-ing board on The Bump, all the ladies that post regularly, offer advice, experience and encouragement, the newbies looking for help and the success stories from Mom's who have overcome obstacles (because we all have at some point).

I'm sure there are another dozen things I'm I welcome you to add to this list and share with other Mom's the things that really make you grateful to be breast feeding your precious little one(s).   

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