
How much BM to make it to a year?

Out of curiosity.....I want to know if I stopped pumping if I would still have enough breast milk to make it to a year.

I've been freezing BM like crazy because of lovely over supply, but if I could stop pumping and still be able to provide BM to my LO---that would be awesome!!

So how do you figure out the math?

LO will be 5 months on the 8th of this month.

He currently eats around 5-6x a day 6oz at each feeding. and a 8oz bottle before bed.

We also plan on doing the BLW if that makes a difference.

How do I figure out how much he will eat in the future? More than now? Less with food?

I have an impressive stash of BM taking up literally all of our freezer space and I haven't counted all the gallon zip bags but I know I average about 60oz per gallon bag and can easily tally those up then to find out if I have enough or not...

so i guess...any advice or estimates would be appreciated!! Thanks ladies!! 

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